novembre 20, 2011

Christian dada

Masanori Morikawa, born in 1984.
Former assistant of Charles Anastase.
He launched a brand called Livraison with a friend, before starting his own label Christian Dada.
First collection for AW 2010.
He also designed Lady Gaga's costume for Mtv video music aid Japan.

novembre 06, 2011

frosties de kellogs

Do you have time for breakfast during week days ? You know, those days, when you're all sleepy and have to hurry anyway, to be on time to go to work/school.. What's more, here is the moment when you have to leave the tropical heat of your bed, to find yourself standing in an igloo. So you just try to satisfy yourself, eating what you can find, orange juice, a slice of bread, a kiwi, a maxi king kinder ?

Well, here is one tip to make you happy every single day, just eat this :


Un bon p'tit dej, on oublie un peu ce que c'est durant la semaine non ? T'es à la bourre, encore tout endormi, en plus à cette période de l'année tu quittes la chaleur tropicale de ta couette pour te retrouver dans un igloo, pas coule. Alors voila, tu débarques dans la cuisine froide, et tu chopes de vieilles tartines, de la confiture s'il en reste, une gorgée de jus de banane et basta.

STOP. Ca, ca va vous mettre de bonne humeur tous les jours :

if only...
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