juin 25, 2011

Douce France

Cher pays de mon enfance ! This is a song by icantrememberwho. And this means I'm going back to France just for a week of holidays !

Will be right back in London after that to complete my next internship for designer Kirsty Ward.
For now, here are some shitty shots from recent things in London.. "things", haha, the last things are my 20th birthday present. Getting old can -sometimes- be good!

A walk in London bridge, sunny weather :)
and home made kind of rice pudding bananas, apples and jam.

Swedish festival in Hyde Park with new London friends from everywhere in Europe :)

(oh I'm sorry, I didn't really have time to take a proper picture with an outfit and stuff.. (or was too lazy to do it), so these are just my feet, and don't pay attention to my pajama pants! (ok, even if it's quite obvious on the pictures..:) just forget about it, and anyway the Jeffrey Campbell shoes must help you focus on something else right ? I'll stop writing now. Good night !)

juin 21, 2011

L'instant jepleuredadmiration

(juste un petit aperçu de trucs loufoques/appétissants à
Londres, comme j'les aime)

Oui, je viens de regarder Black Swan pour la première fois, j'en suis toute retournée. Alors pour me changer les idées de ces images de peau sèche craquelée de sang, d'ongles arrachés et compagnie, je choisis de faire un article sur une des designers que j'aime le plus.
Yep, I must say I've just watched the Black Swan movie for the first time, and I'm quite upset about it. So, to cheer me up, and to forget about those torn nails, this dry and this bloody cracked skin, I've decided to write an article about one of the designers I appreciate most.

Mary Katrantzou.
Ou le génie du motif et de l'impression pas vrai ? (quoi pas vrai ?! Bon, affaire de gout..) Ces impressions kaléidoscopes qui se marient simplement à merveille avec la coupe du vêtement c'est juste .. Wouawou. On croirait les mannequins sortis tout droit d'une autre galaxie.
Look at these amazing patterns and digital prints, what a genius, uh ? The prints just perfectly fit the cut of the garments. Oh wow. You could say the models are from another galaxy!

Le prochain article ne tardera pas, j'ai de l'acquisition vintage a vous présenter (et de l'acquisition un peu moins vintage également..huhu)
Sinon, mon premier stage se termine bientôt. Ca fait tout drôle...

Je serai de retour dans le beau Nord de la France pour une semaine avant de revenir à Londres pour la suite des aventures ... :)

juin 12, 2011

London' hairdressers

Tatty devine's event with colourful cakes.
Broadway market.
Cocktail with intern friends. Cake to say goodbye to Amelie :)
Tate modern and blue sky ! (first time ever!)

I've had my haircut for free :)

Camden doughnuts
"1 POUND FOR 4 DOUGNUTS" was he shouting.

PS: Mon article sur Bricklane, sur Empreintes Digitales ici
Mon article sur Tatty Devine ici
Mon article sur la marque We are handsome ici

juin 08, 2011

Graduate fashion week in London

I've got another story to tell you about. I've heard about a "graduate fashion week" happening in London a few days ago. I had never heard about it, so I just checked on the internet (an amazing friend, he knows about everything!) and disocvered it was some big event happening in West London. An event during which all the best students, from every universities in England, show off their work of the year, their final collection.

Excited, I decided to try and request a Press pass. Indeed, I didn't really want to spend 10£ for each university show... What's more, as I'm a writer for EMPREINTES DIGITALES, I really wanted to write something about it, and to do so, I HAD to go and see it properly. Well..just thought it
was supposed to be useful sometimes to have some "press status"! Anyway, I just asked for it, and I got it ! As simple as that !
A free pass, to go everywhere, at every time..

Here are the photos of those amazing days !

Stylish people

Myself playing the fashion reporter..

A dessert well deserved, doesn't it ?

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